
So my husband is covered from head to toe in tattoos, mainly because his brother owns a tattoo shop and is a tattoo artist. I on the other hand have zero tattoos, I’ve never really been a fan of the full body look but it’s something I can definitely get used to. Call me old fashioned but I’m one of those people who like the tattoos that have meaning to them. I’ve been thinking long and hard if I’d ever get one and I kinda want a mix of sunflowers, roses, butterflies and bumblebees on my forearm with my 2 kids names and birthdays mixed into them somehow. But there’s a few things holding me back. 1 is fear, I am a big baby when it comes to needles plus I’m a fainter so that part scares the hell outta me but then there’s the fact that my mom and my grandma whom I’m extremely close to do not like tattoos at all. I’m one of those people who hate disappointing others, especially when it’s family and I know for a fact they will be disappointed. Some I’m just wondering if anyone else has ever been in the same boat and how did your family members react?