This baby is trying to kill me 😭

Erika • 26. Wifey. SAHM two beautiful baby girls 🌸 11.05.17 06.13.19 and a perfect little boy 💙 09.14.21

36+1 and second time having to go to labor and delivery in the past 3 days for uncontrollable headaches, dizziness, and heart palpitations. Everything keeps coming back normal and they gave me some strong meds for the headache that worked but made my dizziness worse and now I feel super foggy. 20 more days until induction date and I feel like I can’t do it anymore. Between having to find people to watch my kids to go to the hospital and the feeling I get when I leave them, I’m not sure I can keep going to get checked out and want to ask for an induction for next week. This is my third baby and I just feel like something isn’t right. Knowing how horrible the end of pregnancy is for me I know what to expect; but this is on a whole new level. On the plus side I got some entertainment at l&d today with the people in triage next to me and their very interesting story I heard them telling the nurse 😂