12 days since +opk


I don’t necessarily have any symptoms of pregnancy (sore nipples only) especially compared to my other pregnancies. Last month and this month i just feel that I’m pregnant for some reason. I’ve been testing since Friday night (can’t help myself and wanted to be sure before any alcohol). Sunday and yesterday i expected some spotting to start If my period was going to show up. Yesterday i had an upset stomach. I wipe before i pee when in the tww, and nothing. I then had fairly explosive diarrhea (tmi i know) and some bright red spotting. A few hours later a little pink mucus. Not a thing going on today… had a small glass of wine when giving my son a bath and again just felt the need to test and this is what i got.

Am I desperately looking for a line?

Is that faint line real?

Is it an indent/evap line?

No more wine tonight obviously just incase. I’m going to test again in the morning if no obvious period also.