Water birth


Calyx Grae's Gentle Birth Story

On April 25, 2021, I experienced the most magical feeling ever - giving birth to our son, Calyx Grae. I was initially afraid of giving birth, as it is always depicted in media as one of the most painful experiences a woman endures. Let's face it, it's always this scenario - water bag ruptures, the woman is brought to the hospital, she screams bloody murder, and then the baby is out. However, mine wasn't like that because I was blessed with a supportive husband who stood by my decision to proceed with a home water birth as well as a superb birthing team. I also enrolled in an online gentle birthing class by doula Irina so I was motivated to go through birthing without any medical intervention, and soon after engaged her services as my doula. I also read Ina May Gaskin's Guide to Childbirth which taught me to just embrace and welcome the surges because the more you feel pain, that means you're getting closer to holding your baby. As my due date approached, there were times that I doubted myself on whether I'd be able to handle the pain, but my husband, Dex, was with me 100%.

At 35 weeks, I already had brown vaginal discharge. After an internal examination by my OB, she saw that my cervix had already effaced and baby's head is already engaged. I was prescribed some medication to relax my uterus, and hopefully delay the start of my labor. From that time, Dex and I kept talking to baby not to come out yet and to wait until I reach 37 weeks. We also discussed to my OB that we wanted to go with a home water birth. She was open to it as I had a healthy pregnancy, but I should reach 37 AOG and if not, I would have to deliver in the hospital. I discussed this with the doula. Thankfully, she said that we can finalize the contract for home birth service once I reach 37 weeks.

In the evening of April 24, 2021 or 36 weeks and 6 days AOG, I had a bloody show. Dex informed my OB, and was told that my cervix may be 4 cm dilated already. I also informed my Irina and she told me to wait for the surges. I was only able to sleep for around 2 hours that night because I felt wave like movements in my tummy which I attributed to baby's movements. Looking back, it could have been contractions but I just have a high pain tolerance.

Come 8 am, after eating breakfast, I suddenly felt a menstrual cramp like sensation. I immediately informed Irina about it, and she told me to wait for intense surges. I timed my contractions. At 8:23 am, I felt a contraction which lasted for 25 seconds, the next contractions came around 3-5 minutes apart and lasted for 10 seconds each. I breathed through the contractions, kneeling on the floor while leaning on our bed as Dex massaged my lower back. When the surges became more intense, I was already on the bed and had an overwhelming urge to poop. Our home water birth OB, said that she's on her way to examine me. When she arrived around 10:30, she examined me and was surprised that my cervix was already fully dilated! She told Dex to hurry and fill the pool with warm water, which took around an hour to finish. Thoughout that hour, I kept telling Doc Gen and Dex that I really want to poop! Lol. Our midwife and the doula arrived shortly thereafter and they were all surprised to find out that I was 10 cm dilated already. 😂

Once the pool was already filled up with warm water, I entered the pool and immediately felt relaxed. Irina showed me an affirmation card which came with the Conscious Birth Manila Mama Care box - "There is no force equal to that of a determined woman." I asked the birthing team to guide me when I should push, but I was told to wait for an urge to poop and push the minute I feel said urge. I did several poses, leaning on the pool, pushing on all fours, and standing up with a leg on the couch. What motivated me to push with all my might was when I already felt the baby's head. Irina told me to go ahead and touch it, gosh it was so amazing.

Dex also came in the pool with me to support my back. In between pushing, I even kept asking for coconut water. 😂 I knew that it was one of the last pushes when I felt what they call the ring of fire. It took me one push for baby's head to come out, and another looong push for baby's body. He was out by 12:50 pm with U2's "Beautiful Day" playing in the background. It was a beautiful day, indeed.

Another magical moment was that my water bag was intact the entire time. We were told that this is a very rare case and will bring luck to the family. The entire room applauded when baby came out, and it felt like pure bliss when Calyx was placed on my chest that both Dex and I can't help but cry. After 37 weeks, we can finally hold him in our arms.

*bonus for the ladies, I had no tears which needed any sutures. 😉 I can already walk after a few hours from giving birth.
