Niggling feeling


I started temping this month and in all honesty, I don't understand my chart AT ALL. So going from the ovulation date on the app, I would be 6 dpo today.

Around 3 dpo I had this horrible tugging pain in my belly that lasted pretty much the majority of the day. Once it stopped it disappeared and went completely, not even a little twinge after.

Yesterday and today I have been starving and I mean absolutely starving. I woke up at 1:40am this morning for a sandwich which is not like me at all!

I haven't been testing early for a long time now because im sick of seeing negative results so said I would wait for a missed period before testing.

Well I have a niggling feeling that I can't shift and its really annoying me.

I took the plunge and did the test!

Wish I hadn't bothered 🙄