I Feel Like I am Doing This Wrong


So I recently took out my IUD after 4 years. Prior to that I had always had an irregular period, with symptoms of PCOS/endometriosis, made worst by an active eating disorder of 17 years that I have been in recovery for for the last 2 years.

Immediately got AF. And within 2 days of that finishing up started tracking my LH levels. It's now been 10 days of having the positive line clearly visible, but not darker than the control. Glow tells me today I should have a surge and tomorrow. My BBT monitoring app says I shouldn't have my surge until the 29th and the 30th.

I am not sure what's going on. I have been testing in the afternoon based off of the advise of someone else without worrying about my water consumption because I was told it wouldn't make a difference. But if I don't surge today then we're going onto nearly 2 weeks of fertile but not peaking? That doesn't sound right and I just wanna make sure I didn't make a huge mistake somewhere.