4 Week old not napping for hours


Do you have a baby that stays awake for several hours without napping? Do you all swaddle your newborns for naps during the day?

My 4 week old has been struggling with naps. Like, he’s up for a 6ish hour stretch without napping after waking up in the morning (in the afternoon he’s a better napper and at night he does good other than waking up to eat of course).

Normally babies this age eat, are awake for a little bit, then they nap for a bit before their next feeding. Mine won’t. I feel like it’s “easy” for most babies, they just pass out in their moms arms or in a bouncer, but not mine.

Does your baby just nap naturally during the day, or do you take your baby in a dark room, swaddle them, and rock them to sleep?

And what do I do if even that doesn’t work? I tried it a few times and he stayed wide awake. It can’t be good for him to stay awake that long at this age...