13month old still not walking

Ladies im at my wits end.

As a single first time mom, im trying so hard to help my son start walking but I’m failing so bad and just want to cry!

As a single mom I cant always leave him on the floor to do his thing , even in a baby proof area, because hes always finding a way out and I’m always having go find a plan to keep him safe and not hurting himself

So I carry him quite a but or put him in his highchair while I do housework, since im all alone.

This is probably why he hasnt walked yet which I feel sooo incredibly guilty about, but he has started pulling himself up on his crib. Up to his knees for now... though he did pull himself up to stand ONCE but thats it. Now he keeps trying in his crib but can only go up to his knees (yes im watching him)

I took him to the ped who said hes totally fine, just will do it at his own time.

I put him by the couch to pull himself up. He tries but cant do it. So I pull him to stand myself and he does, and walks a bit too with support. But he doesnt seem to do it himself even with the ol’ toys on the couch trick. He tries but only gets up to his knees

Also tried a walker. He can do it with me holding him but not on his own yet.

Ive literally tried everything and feel so lost and confused! Im putting him on the floor more now and watching him because hes crazy lol and gets out of gates, playpens etc by climbing! So im trying to balance safety and development here, while trying to get housework AND my own job done at home..

Im so stressed ladies. How can I help him more?