Back to square one


Our 2nd transfer with our two remaining embryos has unfortunately resulted in a blighted ovum. I had a D&C and laparoscopy on Monday. My doctor found and took care of mild endometriosis but she doesn’t believe that to be the cause of our first failed transfer and now a miscarriage with our second transfer. Due to my diminished ovarian reserve, she believes it to be an egg quality issue. Has anyone experienced suspected egg quality issues despite having normal tested embryos with good quality gradings? For anyone that has had to start <a href="">IVF</a> over, did you get a second opinion or change your protocol the next time around? My doctor said we already went as aggressive as we could so it would be a roll of the dice to hope for better quality eggs in another round. Not very reassuring for us at this time. If anyone has any tips for starting the <a href="">IVF</a> process over again, I’ll gladly accept.