3 week old sleeping patterns


*I have already asked my daughter’s pediatrician about her sleeping. Her pediatrician recommends we wake her after 6 hours to eat. I’m just curious if anyone else has had this experience*

My almost four week old has been a really good sleeper her entire, almost four week old, life. She can sleep anywhere from 5-7 hours per night. Her sleep during the day isn’t as great. She will sleep in hour-three hour stretches. I find that she is sleeping better at night because we give formula at night and give her breast milk during the day. She also loves being swaddled, so I’m assuming that prolongs her sleeping as well. I don’t know why it worries me that she sleeps so much but it does? She reached her hospital weight and she eats a ton when she is awake. She has 6-8 wet diapers everyday. I wish I could just enjoy that she’s a good sleeper but here I am posting on her seeing what other moms have experienced. Does anyone have or had a baby with a similar sleep pattern? Thank you for your insight in advance!