Idk how to feel

So I’m pregnant n my bf is 22 I’m 20 and at first he was scared now he’s getting more used to it and excited and he was the one that wanted one in the first place and I’m happy too. His sister when he first told her she’s 30 she has a 15 yr old n couldn’t have more well she told him he’s not ready for a baby. He works and pays his bills he’s pretty ready. But anyways she’s been ehhh about the baby she talks to me about it sometimes but never has a happy reaction to it and his other sister she’s 19 just had a baby in may well she’s always saying she’s happy n congratulating me and the 30 yr old sister never told her she wasn’t ready she’s always been excited for her and even would post the sonograms on Facebook of her sisters baby but isn’t as happy for her brothers baby ours. I had a sonogram today and sent her a pic and this is all she said

Idk what’s wrong why she’s acting so dry towards our baby. Even his mom is just like her never has a reaction to the baby she’s like just aw but a fake aww 🙄 it kinda hurts my feelings.. I feel like my family is the only ones excited for me. Today is my birthday and none of his family said anything and they knew because his cousin came over because it’s her birthday too that’s how they know it’s my birthday because we share bdays n I live with them lol. Maybe I’m overreacting but it just hurts my feelings.

Honestly I feel like getting my own place now n once the baby is born if they wanna be like that well they can stay away because I know when the baby is born they’re gonna want to be with it all the time. 😒 I just get super bad vibes from them now that I’m pregnant

It’s just wrong for her to say he’s not ready because she was 18 when she got pregnant and then his other sister got pregnant and 18 too and she was all happy for her and excited so why would she say that to her 22 yr old brother who has his things together better than both of them do. He’s the only one helping his parents with the bills and she’s living rent free at one of their houses when their dad is depressed because he’s going broke and none of them help. :/ she makes 1,500 a week and his dad only charges her 1000 a month and she hasn’t payed in months. So she has no right to say he’s not ready

It just bothered me that her sister got pregnant last year at 18 and she had just met her bf and me n my bf have been together for a year and we’re a little older and that’s a problem but her sister getting pregnant wasn’t.