Our IVF journey is finally starting (Good vibes, insight and advice welcomed


My husband and I have been together for eight years now, we are high school sweethearts. When we were teens we talked about our future family all the time and even picked out names (most of these names are still what we’re planning to use, so it’s been a lot time coming). Shortly after getting married we decided it was time to start a family, but life had other plans for us. After two years of trying it’s still just the two of us. In this last year we finally reached out for medical help and it seemed like at every turn we were shut down with more negative information. Within this time my sister-in-law passed away and we tried to adopt her child from foster care. To make a long and painful story short we lost the adoption due to DCFS negligence. I felt like at every turn we were being told we weren’t meant to be parents.

It was made clear that <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> would be our only option, and even within <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> there have been a lot of points that have made this journey harder. Due to fertility issues with my husband we have to go through with ICSI and due to an extremely high egg count on my end we have to have our embryos frozen for at least a month before a transfer can occur. I’m grateful that we still have this opportunity, but at the time of getting this information it felt like our time was never going to happen.

Wednesday we finally were sent a calendar for the cycle. I opened it and I could see clearly each day everything was supposed to happen and the first appointment was today. It was only a baseline ultrasound and my nurse explaining my shots, but for the first time in a very long time it felt like we could have our family. I teared up the entire way to the hospital just thinking about what a year from now could look like. I could finally have my newborn baby placed on my chest, I could finally see my husband holding our child, I could see the look on my parents face when I tell them they’re going to be grandparents. I haven’t had this hope in so long and as terrified as I am of the needles, I’m even more terrified of losing this hope. After all the negative tests, failed adoption, and negative news we need hope.

I’d love to get some support and/or advice from anyone who has gone through this process or is going through this process. I feel like I have annoyed all of my friends and family because this is all I can talk about, so it would be nice to speak with people who understand this kind of pain and hope. ♥️ I start my shots on Monday!