Scar tissue where does it come from


Hi I had an egg retrieval and hysterscope yesterday. My doctor said I had some scar tissue that was essentially cutting my uterus in half. I’ve had thin lining for years (been ttc for 5 with 3 being medically assisted) and he said this was cutting of blood circulation to my lining.

I’ve had two water sonograms, hsg, and hysterscope in the last two years at a different clinic where they said my uterus was fine. I’ve never had surgery or d&c. I did an Endometrin scratch with my last hysterscope but had a sonogram after. All was clear.

If I haven’t had surgery where did this tissue come from? Anyone have experience like this? Do you think my previous doctor missed it?

I’m on hormones and steroids for two week snd then go back. Curious others experience.