Any successful vbac mamas here?

RS • Baby girl born August 2019👶🏻 💕 Baby #2 Oct 2021 ✨

I’m 35 weeks with my second going for a vbac if all stays healthy and ok for the rest of my pregnancy, I wouldn’t mind another csection but seeing how I don’t have much help I think csection recovery will be very challenging with an active 2 year old and a newborn so I’m hoping for a successful vbac. With my first I made it to 8cm but her HR kept dipping and her head was supposedly stuck towards the right of my canal so they ended up doing a csection but it’s been 2 years and my Ob thinks I should be able to try a vbac so I really hoping it works out, either way I just want a healthy baby and delivery and the rest I’ll figure out but was hoping to see if any other mamas have any advice or success stories 💜💜💜