Tongue piercing issues! Please help.


I know this isn’t what this app is typically used for but what I’m hoping is a professional piercer or someone who has gotten a lot of piercings too see this and tell me what’s wrong. I’m 17 and for my birthday I was allowed to get my tongue pierced. I wanted to rush and get it before school started so I wouldn’t have to miss out on school because of the healing process. With all that being said the piercing shops by me all only do appointment only and I felt like I didn’t have time. So I found someone who does piercings only from her home (yes I am fully aware now how dangerous this is and trust me when I say I have learned my lesson, I regret rushing to get the piercing everyday since I’ve had it so please be kind I’m an emotional wreck right now.) So the very same day I got it pierced I already knew I was planning on taking it out once it healed all the way so I wouldn’t cause myself any pain because the piercing is sooo off centered. I understand that sometimes they have to pierce it at an angel so not to hurt a vein but I’ve never heard of it being not centered at the top but very centered at the bottom. The first two days it was painful when eating but I had very little to no swelling. Yesterday my mom suggested to get an alcohol free mouth wash in order to clean it because for the first 2 days I was just brushing my teeth every time I ate or drank something. Once I started using the mouth wash yesterday that night is when all h*ll broke lose for me. It got so swollen, I can’t talk properly, it’s hard to swallow, my tongue is so swollen I can even see the back of my throat easily. Also that night my whole mouth not just my tongue started to hurt. My teeth ache, the roof of mouth is swollen and feels raw, my lips even hurt so bad to where I can’t lick them or apply anything because of the pain so my lips are dry and cracked and in even more pain. I couldn’t go to sleep because of the pain I didn’t end up falling asleep until I took soo much ibuprofen and other pain killers. (On an empty stomach not to mention because swallowing is hard. I’m constantly having to spit my own spit out because my throat hurts so bad. My sister is going to come and try to remove it but I’m terrified of the pain and I think it’s impossible to remove at this point because there is no room to even grab ahold to the piercing balls on the top and bottom. I have been crying all day long, I’m hungry, exhausted, and debating on weather or not this is serious or if this is just a product of my low pain tolerance. Oh btw I heard my tongue ripping as she was piercing it and everybody who I’ve seen on TikTok and YouTube talk about their experience said it doesn’t hurt at all so I was not prepared for that either. If anybody else has had or recently got a tongue piercing and experienced any of these symptoms was it a serious matter? I’m so tired of being in pain and crying I just need answers before I go sit in an ER for 5 hours waiting to be seen.