My Bf showing me more attention after he sees people with kids

For both me and my boyfriend having kids isn’t a good idea at this stage in our life. We’re both trying to find our way in life and we wouldn’t comfortably be able to care for a baby.

When we’re hanging around my nephews and I’m playing with them he gets extra kissy and cuddly towards me.

His sister came to visit with her newborn and they were there for a minute before (away from everyone) he was showering kisses and hugging me. He trapped me in a hug and was walking me backwards to his bed still with lots of kisses. I fell back on the bed him above he gave me another kiss then left to go talk to his sister and mother.

I went back out and talked with them as well for a while. Then he went for a smoke and I was tired so I was going to nap a little in his bed. He came in and was cuddly at first while I was trying to sleep then he started rubbing my thighs (weak spot) and giving kisses.

I’m normally don’t let us do anything if the house has too many people in it but I let it slide. We had sex (as quietly as possible cause it would be embarrassing if someone heard considering there were people over).

He said goodbye to his sister when she left but pretty much just layed with me afterwards. I feel like he’s getting sort of baby fever in a way. I find it hard to explain the changes in his behaviour it’s why I’m describing something more so that it may be understood more maybe. But the changes are good and the way he was being before was also good. It just sort of seems like he gets excited (not in a weird way)when interacting or seeing me interact with a baby or small child.