How do I ask him

To be a little more affectionate verbally? So we started out as fwb about 2 years ago and about a couple of months ago we both confessed feelings. He rolled me over in his bed, looked me right in the eyes and said he loved me. He's pretty affectionate with me physically but we're only together like once a week and sometimes I really crave sweet words when i can't see him. His ex was..mean..and he was never really allowed to express himself or she made fun of him when he did.

Me, I'm an affectionate type in all ways, especially words. I'm still trying to figure out how to approach him with this because he isn't the "mushy" type and I don't want to scare him away with an overload of my feelings. I've tried to be straightforward and ask but he's really protective of himself and his feelings from his last relationship (15 years).

Today I tried to test the waters a couple of times. I told him goodnight and I love you, but he only responded with good night. It's not unusual, he doesn't always return I love yous which hurts my sensitive heart a little lol. I also told him that I wanted to spend more time together and do things together to which he told me "all in good time" and to be patient. He's a little down on finances right now so maybe that's why, idk. I wasn't asking for him to pay for anything though, I never have.

I really do love this man. I would do absolutely anything for him and I have done quite a lot in the last 2 years. I really want this to work out. We have an age gap, a considerable one. I'm younger and maybe that explains some of this.

I've told him that I'm a safe space and his feelings are always going to be heard and valid to me.

So how can I express my feelings in a better way and how can I ask him to think about being more affectionate towards me?