Breastfeeding but stopped/Low Supply


Hi Mommies💛

I will soon a have a 4 week old in a few days, I started off breastfeeding her but also bottle feeding as well which in our case impacted her latch and would frustrate her because she preferred the fast flow bottle nipple.. So then I started pumping and giving it to her in the bottle instead but as time went on and stress piled on I started just giving her formula and bottle feeding because it was easier but I absolutely regret it people keep saying that breast is the best and I should keep at it which of course makes me feel bad I wish I would have kept trying. I try every now and then to get her to latch but it doesn’t work out she screams and I feel like i’m forcing her or starving her so I just give her the bottle. I’ve been pumping to keep the milk supply going but it’s so low I can’t even pump an ounce anymore before I was pumping 3-4oz.. So i’m pretty bummed and feel like i’m failing as a mom, she’s also having issues with formula so I would really like to get back to breast.. any recommendations for upping your milk supply ?? Or has anybody stopped breastfeeding and picked back up how did that go ?