21 dpo no af


I know I know I’ve heard it all “you may have ovulated late or not at all” I KNOW LADIES but that still doesn’t make it better!!! I’ve never been late for my period in my life! I tested positive on multiple brands of test at 10dpo then nothing every since. And I know “CHEMICAL” but damn!! Shouldn’t I at least bleed or have some type of spotting by now? This is so frustrating! I have no cramps only sore boobs on and off and extremely hot. The usual pms symptoms. Other then that, nothing. Maybe the tests I was using was faulty? Here’s the tests I took at 9 and 10dpo EVERY ONE OF THEM HAS COLOR! Showed up within 3 minutes. If it’s a chemical, why haven’t I gotten a period or had any spotting? I’m 7 days late and I know for a fact I’m out this month or else I would’ve gotten a bolder BFP by now 😭 I feel like I’m being punished for something I have no clue of what I did to deserve this. My mom was murdered and I have no friends or family I can go to to talk about this with because they all have kids. So to them, it’s not a big deal and they don’t care about hearing it. I need advice!!