what should i do?

so i broke up with my ex 4 years ago bc we never really talked but abt a year after we broke up we started talking again. we are both attending the same college rn and we've hung out a few times. the last time we hung out he laid his head in my lap and we talked for a couple of hours. i still have feelings for him and i want to see if he feels the same way but im so worried that he'll react negatively bc his friendship means a lot to me (we've been friends for abt 8-9 years). i feel like some of our interactions have been kinda flirty but also i think he may just be acting like this bc we are good friends.

sorry this is all over the place but i really like him and i want to ask him out but im also super worried that he won't feel the same way and he'll stop talking to me all together.