Gestational diabetes and nothing to eat


I had GD with my last pregnancy but this one seems harder since I got it wayyy earlier. I’m only 13 weeks and noticed my fasting glucose was over 100 at 5 weeks. I cut out sugar and most carbs ASAP. However I have bad food aversions and I’m craving carbs, but I can’t eat much since I’m not on insulin yet and it spikes my glucose. One whole wheat bagel with cream cheese makes my 1 hour test levels 140-170. I’m also suffering from daily headaches and it’s interfering with my job since I’ve already taken off many sick days. I’m finding no relief for the headaches, I’m well hydrated, and I’m taking the suggested vitamins my high rush doctor prescribed.

Going back to the GD, I’m trying to find things the make but I’m so exhausted after working and taking care of a toddler, my husband, and preteen. If I didn’t need this job I would have quit already but I just started right before I found out I was pregnant with our little surprise.