He likes me back...help


I have been best friends with this one guy for years a few years back I was getting constant crushes on him but he was in love with my best friend and I was overweight and akward so I got rejected a total of 5 times in two years. Eventually I realized that wasnt gonna happen so i moved on and stopped getting crushes on the guy (let's call him Mateo). Well I hot a crush on another guy aand when a friend told him he called me a pig girl who was creepy and a weirdo. I lost a lot of weight and got really confident. A couple weeks ago I asked mateo to hangout (the group we where in was splitting up and I was gonna move super close to him so I didnt wanna loose his friendship) we hung out and skated together aand he flirted with me and I was confident so I flirted back. It was really obvious flirting so I was thinking that he might have a crush on me. I reached out to an old common friend (let's call him sam) and told him all we did without saying who he was and sam was like oh yeah the guy likes you, I then told sam i was talking about mateo aand that second he changed his thoughts and agreed with me that there is no way he had a crush on me. I talked to sam about how if he did it wouldn't be a good or bad thing but I'd love to know because it allways gives you a confidence boost, nothing else just that (will be important later). I actually started thinking then that mateo and I would make a great couple because of how good friends we where and we just completed eachother great, soo I day dreamed about that for a while (told no one) I hung out with mateo again and we flirted some more and had this moment sitting ontop of the walls around his building talking about childhood memories where we really connected. And then sam joined us for a few hours and he must have noticed our flirting. I left a little earlier and the two of them stayed talking. Later that night I was talking to sam but we was making no sense so I asked mateo if he knew what he meant but I understood and deleted the texts.matep then said something along the lines of wow so many deleted texts and me making a joke said oh yeah I told you I loved you but regretted it(we make jokes like this all the time so I thought he knew what I was talking about. But he started to tell me oh why would you delete the text without hearing my answer blah blah blah I went on with the joke but he ended up telling me that sam had told him when I left that I had a crush on him and apparently mateo had a crush on me back. I had never told sam this so he was clearly lying but I had been thinking lately about us two dating so I didnt want to say it wasmt true but I wasnt ready and I'm not even sure I like him but he is my best friend whatever I do that's over.idecided to tell him I liked him back and he went 9n to saying he was so happy and I was perfect etc. I dontknow what to do because I was NOT ready for mateo to know i had only been thinking about this for a couple weeks but now thanks to sam I have been launched into it and I have no idea what to do. Idk if rn I'm in shock, mad, uncomfortable, if I'm loosing feelings or because I need control and I have anything but that rn i am freacking out. Please please please help me I am walking on thin ice.