BFP, BFN, and everything in between 😔 help

I’m not sure why I’m doing this to myself…according to the app, I’m 10 DPO and AF should arrive on Monday…I promised myself I wasn’t going to test early and here we are 🤦🏻‍♀️

These are from this morning with FMU…the first response is an early detection, and I know with clear blue they say digital need a lot more hormones but the box got my hopes up 😔 and the stupid pink one in the middle is the target brand and I’m not a fan of those…I guess I’ve just excited and then also disappointed myself and I don’t know what to make of this…hoping it just means I’m early and I need to give my body time and maybe test again on Friday..

It also doesn’t help that I’ve read so many mixed reviews about any and all brands 😩 too much info probably isn’t a good thing