Re-establishing breastfeeding


My daughter is 5 weeks and 4 days. I haven’t breastfed her since she was exactly 4 weeks. I’m still not sure what happened, if it was a latch issue or growth spurt issue or my diet but she would scream and cry at my breast for days and it was stressing me so bad I ended up switching to formula. Idk I kind of regret doing it. I tried to exclusively pump but I didn’t have time cause I have no support but now that she’s less clingy I feel like I can exclusively pump now. I don’t think she’ll latch back on since she’s been having bottles and it’s been so long so I won’t have my hopes up for that but I tried to pump and literally only a few drops came out. So do I just pump every time she eats or do I pump every hour? How long and how often to build my supply back up? I didn’t have a problem with supply before it was just she refused to breastfeed and I was getting so engorged I was only able to pump the milk out twice a day then my supply tanked and I switched to formula.

Update to anyone reading this:

It’s been a few days since I made this point and I’m happy to say I have been successfully breastfeeding almost exclusively. She has her moments where she’s frustrated with milk flow or amount and she just wants a bottle. So she gets maybe two a day. I have also been taking liquid gold by legaindairy milk. I have yet to pump ever since I noticed how well she returned to my breast but I can tell my milk has definitely improved. Last night I heard her gulping while drinking!