5 week old all of sudden fussy when eating


*I have a doctor appointment tomorrow. Just seeing if anyone has experienced this*

My 5 week old has all of a sudden been very fussy when eating and will pull away screaming/crying. She has always had breast milk and formula, never changed formula. I pretty much exclusively pump and I don’t breastfeed because she will get really frustrated when we do that, she always has. She doesn’t spit up/throw up after feedings. She doesn’t have a fever or any other symptoms.

She’s normally a fantastic sleeper and the past few days it’s been harder to get her to sleep.

Could she all of a sudden develop a milk allergy or some sort of allergy? I haven’t changed my diet or started taking a different supplement. I’m so confused what could be the issue.

Any advice or experience with this, would be super helpful! Thank you!