Should've been at or maybe implantation?

So i have PCOS so it could just be my body trying to be "normal" ttc 1 1/2 yrs. So these are my notes when I feel like tracking.

I took a PT on Sept 7 i want to say i saw a shadow but i doubt it.

Aug 31

Saw thick yellowish cm with blood 🙏🏼af soon

Sept 1 DTD

Sept 1 and 2

One time pantyliner streak of light brown discharge

But Sept 2 a dot of pink on tp and 2 in toilet.

Feeling watery cm on tp

Sept 3- a little more brown and a little bld(not red red) wiping 1x in the day

Sept 4- little bld when wiping after bm

Sept 5 af type cramps

Sept7 and 8 felt heavy uterus

Sept 8 evening, felt pain left side 2xs at the same time.