Looking for advice/guidance!

LeAnn • Blessed wife and mama 🤍

My baby is 4 weeks old and we are exclusively breastfeeding. I have had supply issues with my last two babies so I also have been pumping from day 1 in between nursing sessions to get a freezer supply. What is normally the average amount that I should be pumping? I will let baby nurse until she is finished and then anywhere from 30mins to an hour later I will pump. I usually get .5 oz from the left breast and 1.5 oz from the right breast. Is this the “normal” amount to pump after a nursing session or is it not enough? I’m so worried about loosing my supply again and I feel like that’s not enough. Any tips on getting my slacker boob to catch up? Also, I try to pump every night before bed and baby wakes usually 2 (sometimes 3) times a night to nurse but I don’t pump. Do I need to be pumping as well as nursing through the night? Will it hurt my supply if I’m not? Trying to get as much sleep as possible 😂