My birth story!


Now that we are home and settled I can write about my birth story! I had my 39 week 3 day check up Thursday September 2nd I was about 4 cm and very thin. The doctor did a membrane sweep and scheduled an induction for that Sunday due to gestational diabetes. Had some cramping and lost a lot of my mucus plug from the sweep but that was all. I received a call Friday evening to move my induction up to Saturday September 4th at 10 AM. My husband and I dropped our 5 year old at his grandparents that morning and headed to the hospital. We arrived around 9:40 and got started

with paperwork, complete medical history, birth plans and everything. The midwife came in around 12:15 pm to check me and broke my water since I was already 4 cm and very thin. Pitocin was started around 1 pm and epidural around 2:30 pm due to very intense contractions. Midwife came back in at 4 pm and said it was time to meet baby! She arrived September 4th at 4:18 PM 7 pounds 13 ounces and 20 inches long!! No tearing or stitches needed this time!