How do I word this text?

I’ve been involved with this man for almost a year and we have sex often. We actually became close friends until he got me pregnant. He would tell me that we can make it work but then would tell me he will hate me if I don’t get an abortion. I miscarried. Sometimes he will randomly be like “we are only going to be intimate for one more month “ & “If we keep having sex then I don’t want to communicate/talk often but if we stop having sex we can talk every day we just won’t see each other. If we keep having Sex we can see each other all the time. You have a month to choose” It’s just so fucking weird to me and after everything I’m just done with it. How do I word this text to him? Part of me wants to be a cunt because he’s done me wrong but then again, I want to be nice about it 🤦🏻‍♀️

Also, don’t come at me being a keyboard warrior. I’m just asking how to word this text.