Stressed and some help with missed period


I’m 3-4 days late. I’ve survived an enumeration of stressful situations that resulted in 48 hours of no sleep because I was in criminal law. Nothing can cause me to miss my period. I take vitamin c, iron, gummies. I get b12 injections. I had sex on august 20. My period comes on like wild fire. If I cramp, I bleed. Can someone tell me how looking at a blood beta order and ultrasound is going to stop sore breasts and cramps and bring my period? It’s not. And let’s not discuss trolls or people insensitive to a woman’s truth. How can I get all of these things, have an ultrasound on Tuesday, miss practically all tests by a bare faint line, and my partner of 16 years validate my sanity and he is in the medical field?!!! It’s pregnant or not for me. Why can’t my body just readjust so I can move forward. There is no grey for me. Not one missed period. I’ve been through murder trials and neonatal transport on call sleep Changes. I’ve been with police departments and private investigators. What the bleep is stress? What is stress?