

We may not have been doing <a href="">IVF</a> for that long compared to others, we started in April ‘21. But having had one failed and two chemicals back to back I thought I was doing ok. Now I’ve started bleeding with this most recent chemical I’ve never felt so low or hopeless.

I’ve managed to get through work but just break down when I get home. The shift in hormones is torturing me and I can’t help but feel completely at a loss. So full of grief and despair at the situation.

We’ll probably have to start from scratch, does anyone know if all the <a href="">IVF</a> drugs will have made my egg quality even worse? And how long after a chemical pregnancy can you have an egg retrieval?

I just feel that maybe at my age (38 next month) we should just call it quits, prepare to be childless, save the money and pray for a miracle. I wish there was a way to say whether a woman’s eggs are viable or not, <a href="">IVF</a> is a whole lot of torture if the eggs are never going to produce a healthy baby.

Sorry for the depressing post, I had to write this down x x x