Trying to conceive .. what’s wrong???


Hi everyone.. so aug 13th, I lost my pregnancy at 14 weeks.. my bf and I are ttc again….but I need help trying to figure out if these are a true positive or not…..

So I used these ovulation sticks to see when I’m fertile and what not… it usually shows a flashing smily face for 5 days and then a solid smily face when ovulating. Only aug 25th, it showed I was ovulating. (But no flashing smily faces a day or days before….)

I took a pregnancy test aug 30th to make sure there was no more hcg levels from before and there wasn’t even a faint line..

Then aug 28th-sept 1 I was fertile (flashing smily) sept 2 I was ovulating… today I took 3 tests .. they’re all positive.

Could that mean I actually ovulated aug 25th? Idk how I can ovulate 2x in a month…

These tests I just took now.. then I took ANOTHER ovulation stick August 4th and it said I was ovulating AGAIN!!!

I’ve taken several pregnancy tests this entire week but the first response tests show up positive but the cheap 1$ ones won’t even show a faint line….

My symptoms are a little bit of nausea and sore boobs!