Milk supply help please!!!! My preemie is 2 weeks old.


Hello moms. My baby was born at 34 weeks gestation. He wished 4lb 5oz. He didn’t need help eating or breathing or with temp so we were able to come home together after 6 days in NICU for observation. I wanted to strictly breastfeed but the doctors recommended to give him Similac Neosure to help him gain weight. I was fortifying the breast milk with the formula while in the hospital but upon discharge they told me to alternate feedings, to do breast milk one feeding then formula the next and so on…

I did this throughout this past week and now my milk supply has greatly decreased. I’m not able to pump 1oz anymore. Last week I was pumping 3 oz and more at one time. At his two week appointment he weighed 4lbs 6oz but for to weight loss after birth he left the hospital weighing 4lb 2 oz so he is gaining. Also he seems to squirm lots as if he has gas etc. is it the formula. Is there better formula to use?

Any suggestions on how to get him get both, or how to increase my milk supply and maintain it? How often to pump? How long to pump? One breast at a time or both at same time better? I’m using the Spectra pump. Any supplements/vitamins I should be taking to promote milk supply? Any advice would.

Here’s a picture of my young prince.