Huge fight with me and my wife and I feel stuck

Me and my wife had a baby 3 ish months ago. Before anyone comes with the postpartum depression thing, she's been to her doctor and does not have postpartum depression. Plus she's always like this when she doesn't get her way even when we were dating. I'm gonna start this off by saying by saying I used to be a heroine addict. I was doing heroine from 14- 24. I ended myself up in jail a few times. I went to prison for 15 months. I had a shitty home life. I was going through something really bad that I don't want to talk about and I started shooting up to numb what was happening to me. I know I let my sister down a lot because she wanted better for me. I OD'd so many times and tried to kill myself. I turned to heroine mainly because of my mom and the stuff that she was doing and allowing other people to do to me at a young age. Now this part is crucial to the story, me and my wife WHERE NOT TOGETHER WHEN I WAS HOOKED ON DRUGS!!! We didn't even know each other. She didn't know Junkie Jasper. When she came into my life I was 2 years sober and now haven't touched a drug in 11 years. She never met Junkie Jasper. Only sober Jasper. The only think she knows about Junkie Jasper is what I told her because I trusted her. She would do things when she would get mad at me, which was throw my past thatbshebwas never apart of nor affected by in my face or tell other people about it. She once got mad at me because I went to see my sister who was going through a miscarriage and wasn't there for her birthday so she posted about my junkie past on Facebook. Then one thing she did that I still haven't forgiven her to this day is when we were fighting about whatever and she went on Facebook and is ...... A reason to turn to drugs because my husband sure thinks it is. She posted about trauma I told her in confidence. It was something I'm still trying to work through to this day and now everyone on her friends list knows. That fucked me up and made me leave for a while. This fight happened over her feelings like I don't help around the house. When just yesterday I cleaned the ENTIRE house and she invited other mom friends over and they were drinking wine and TRASHED our house. No I'm not gonna clean the whole house again when your friends trashed it. I had just gotten off of work and was hearing this bullshit. We fought and she told me I'll always be a useless junkie and nothing and I can't leave her because she will tell the court about my past and I'll never see my daughter again. Then she said something I'm not gonna say because it has to do with my past trauma with my mom.... And hearing that come out of her mouth... Really fucked with me. That's not something you ever say to someone who survived that type of abuse and idk what to do anymore. If I leave I'll never see my daughter. If I stay then this is what I have to deal with forever... Maybe this is my punishment for doing drug...