Anyone else freaking out???


I don't know if it's because I'm a FTM or if it's because this bub was unplanned or if this is just really normal to feel like this but guys October is only a couple of weeks away... I am absolutely freaking out!

I felt like this was going to be the longest 9 months of my life and time has flown by. I don't know what to do with a baby 😂 I'm nervous about breastfeeding and should I be leaking colostrum at this point (I've got nothing??), nervous about the sleepless nights and how my dogs will go with the baby and how it will change things with my partner.

Nervous about knowing if I'm going into labour, and don't even start me about how panicked I am about giving birth!

My parents are in another state and aren't allowed to travel (Australia has some intense covid rules) and we are basically here on our own. I haven't seen my friends in months and we aren't allowed any visitors in our home, and have a maximum of 5km travel allowance from your home.

I think I have all the baby stuff that I need... But I honestly just don't know. I'm terrified and I constantly just have flashes and thoughts of "this was a bad idea!"

Please tell me I'm not alone! What are you all doing to de-stress?