Boyfriends mum


Okay so I wouldn’t call him a boyfriend but me and him have been talking for nearly 6 months and are pretty close. We have the same interests and we always have a good laugh! I’ve been over his once but not his house, he’s been over mine nearly 5 times watching movies and studying. We are never being sexual as I don’t want them to get the wrong impression of me as I’m waiting til marriage as I think it’s a pretty special thing overall. But today his mum liked one of my insta pictures and unliked it now I think she is stalking me?? I don’t know but she seems pretty nice, I haven’t spoken or seen her yet plus his little brother messaged me a couple of times being silly which I think is pretty funny as I’d love to talk to them cos they seem pretty friendly. I’ve just have had bad times where parents don’t trust me or don’t know my background story and just judge me for the way I act or dress! I’d love for his partners to like me as I’ve never had that type of relationship with my parents for reasons. I’m 16 so obviously they might be a little funny with me but could someone help me understand this? I’m scared she won’t like me. And I’ve asked him about it and he’s said she’s seen me and I’ve tried to ask him if she doesn’t trust me nor like me and it’s kinda hurting me that they won’t like me so I’m kinda confused.