I just need to vent I guess…


I had my miracle baby - I have PCOS and while we weren’t actively trying to prevent pregnancy, I was still surprised I was pregnant! After multiple negative tests, and everyone around me getting pregnant, it finally happened! Now, I want one more, then I’ll be done. I’ve always wanted a big family, and even though I have two step kids, I’ve only been pregnant twice. I love my step kids like my own, but they don’t call me “mom” like they used to. My (biological) daughter calls my man “dad” all the time, without fail - her bio dad is only in the picture when he wants to be. So I feel a bit jaded when it to how many kids “I have”…my man has expressed how uncomfortable he is having anymore children, and is talking about getting a vasectomy. We haven’t been very intimate because of his fear of me getting pregnant. What gets me is the fact that (he admitted) that if “we” didn’t have two boys and two girls, he’d be open to more. Like, if we have one girl and three boys, or vice versa, he’d be open to having another. I’m so hurt, I feel like I just have to accept it because he’s uncomfortable. But what about me? And my feelings?