Tired 😪 36 weeks


I don’t want to sound ungrateful for this little blessing but I’m sick & tired of being pregnant atp 😒 this will be my 4th child, second baby girl. I experienced HG or extreme morning sickness from January until the end of June. To the point of a home IV & nimbus pump that continuously gave me nausea medicine. I’ve been unable to work or attend school my entire pregnancy. I’m becoming depressed and I just want my normal day to day life back. Everyone keeps saying hangin there, be patient and all this crap. I’m feeling really useless these days. My SO has to provide literally EVERYTHING rn. And the thought of having to wait another 6 weeks postpartum to get back to school and working gives me major blues. I’m highly independent & not being able to conduct my day to day business is taking a toll on me. I cry every night because I’m tired and want this baby out of me but I also feel really horrible because I know some women have a hard time even getting pregnant and I feel ungrateful. Currently crying as I type thid 😭😭😭