i need advice

my boyfriend and i have been dating for two years. we spend our weekends together almost always having a date planned and once a week he will visit me at work on my lunch break and will buy us a meal. he goes above and beyond making me feel happy, loved, supported and cared for. especially since all of my family lives across the country, he’s the only family i have here. he hasn’t met my family because they all live in another state, but i will send photos, will update them and occasionally if we FT he will be with me and will say his hellos. yet, i have never met anyone in his family and we live in the same state. i was born and raised in America and he is foreign with cultural differences. his mother believes he needs to be with and marry someone of his own because that is their bloodline. she wants no business with me and to this day is still trying to set my boyfriend up with women of his own culture. my boyfriends dad and grandpa are very nice though. i haven’t met them yet either, but they have taken care of me in ways that my own family has never. (his dad helped me with car problems) (his dad gave me a car until he was done fixing mine) his dad even bought us a vacation for this weekend at the best hotel on a lake and reservations at the fanciest restaurant. i appreciate his family so much, but i know it hurts him knowing that his family does not accept me. he has told me it’s possible that we can never get married or even have kids because of this. we are so deeply in love and the only thing that is putting a hold on our relationship is his mother. i would never want him to pick between me and his family, but it hurts me not knowing how our future is going to be. we decided to continue our relationship in hopes that she will come to terms with our love and will have to support us. but she still hasn’t yet. sometimes i wonder if i am doing the correct thing or if i should just make it easier for him and just leave so he doesn’t have to choose. i want nothing more in life for us to start a family and own a home but family is so important to him i don’t think he will ever go against his mother’s views on taking the next step and proposing to me, but i constantly have hope because he is still with me, he is still trying, he is in love with me. it’s very hard on me but i know it’s even harder on him.

if you have any advice please tell me.

i’m so sad