Need to vent 😫


So far this cycle is not going as planned and I’m frustrated 😫 back story, I have pcos and my husband and I ttc for 2 years. We tried naturally, clomid, then Letrozole with trigger shot and timed intercourse. On our 4th cycle of Letrozole we conceived our twin girls. Well now 2 years later we are wanting to ttc baby #3.

This is our first cycle back and my RE started me on the same dosage of Letrozole that we did for the cycle I conceived my daughters. Also on any of my previous cycles I always ovulated on CD16. So last week I go in at CD12 just to see what’s going on and I only had one follicle growing but it was only at 10mm so the game plan was to come back on CD16 and see where we were at. Well then my husband unexpectedly gets called out of town for work and is going to be gone for a week. He left the day before my follicle scan on CD16 so I called my doctor and she told me to basically have sex the night before the appointment and if my follicle had matured enough she would give me the trigger shot at the office and we’d hope for the best. Well this morning I go in to the follicle scan and the follicle is only at 16mm and she said it was too small to trigger and that I’d more than likely ovulate sometime between Wednesday or Thursday. My husband won’t be back until the following Monday so pretty much this cycle is completely out of the window 😩😭 I’m just so frustrated.