birth doesn’t have to be scary 💙 a positive birth story


my son is now 4 months old , everyday i’m still amazed with my body and it’s capabilities . i wish i could re live his birth over and over again as it was the most incredible thing i’ve ever experienced . my birth story - the date is may 1st 2021 , i am 39 weeks and 5 days pregnant and beyond ready to meet my sweet boy . i just finish eating dinner and go to my bed to relax and bam my water breaks ( 10.40pm ) . although it didn’t feel that way , it was just a small gush and i honestly just thought i peed myself . i go to the bathroom . nothing . i’m standing at the side of my bed when it starts to gush more , now im certain it was my waters . i call my mother , start packing last minute items and put on a pad , water leaking with every movement baby makes . it was no rush as i wasn’t having any contractions so the drive was very relaxing and all i could think of was how happy i was to see my baby . we get to the hospital and they test the fluid in triage just to be sure it was amniotic fluid , it was and now i’m gushing all over the floor . its around midnight and i’m put into a room still no contractions so i decide to try and get some rest while i still can . i didn’t end up falling asleep but finally had my first contraction around 4.30am . i sat up immediately and breathed through it reminding myself to trust my body not tense up . as my contractions began to build i found it more comfortable to stand and lean over the end of the bed slightly swaying my hips , i continued this until my contractions became intense then i switched to my hands and knees on the bed . i kept telling myself to surrender to the waves as each one was bringing me closer to my baby . around 6.10am i am becoming very noisy so my midwife decided to check me , i was 5cm dilated . halfway there , i’m still on my hands and knees , imagining my body as a flower blooming ( yes anything to keep my mind calm ) suddenly i have one very intense contraction i let out a loud moan and try to catch my breath when i start to feel my body push on it’s own my midwife has me turn over so she can check me and i was crowning ! now this was my favorite part because my body continued to push with each contraction and i could actually feel my body working to move my baby down , i pushed twice and there he was here . may 2nd at 6.53am 7lbs 11oz my sweet boy was born , all natural and no tearing . as scary as it might seem you have to remember your body was made for this . the more relaxed you are throughout your labor the easier it will be . i wish every new momma luck on this beautiful journey dont doubt yourselves for a second . thank you for reading