I recommend letting your water break naturally


Okay so with my first baby I was induced using cervadil, a medication they put up in there next to the cervix which helps it soften/ripen, then they leave it for 12-24 hours. When I came back 24 hours later I was in labour with regular contractions that I was able to manage well and I was 5cms. The dr offered to break my water. It was my first baby so I didn’t know any better, but I do now and want to share how it effected labour compared to my other two baby’s between that one and this one.

After breaking my water, the contractions got more painful, and quite intense, I spent sometime in the shower they provided and after a bit felt like I needed to poop, but that was baby pushing down on my not dilated enough cervix. Those hours between 830 am and 1pm when she was born are kind of a blur of pain.

Comparing that labour with my next two, I was just about 10cm by the time we went to the hospital with each. My middle child my water broke on its own during a contraction while we were waiting for the initial assessment, I ended up walking to the birthing room with his head starting to crown. The youngest(for now) my water broke at home and he was born like 45 minutes after arriving at the hospital.

So if given the choice, I would recommend letting your water break on its own, because once it breaks your body knows baby’s gotta come out, and before it breaks it kind of cushions baby’s head from ramming into your cervix😂