Seen my online friend in person!?


Hey guys so I went to go see my online friends on September 4 through the sixth and we had a such a fun time.Although, there were some ups and downs and everything but we still had fun. I went with my best friend I drove to a different state it took us four hours to get there.We couldn’t even sleep during the day because we were so excited. Knowing me this was my first time going to see somebody from online in person. I met her for a whole year and I wanted to see her in person so I did take us a 4 Hour Drive to get to her state. On the first day it was complicated because our motel room wasn’t ready.

We left really early because we didn’t know how the traffic was ( this is during Labor Day weekend.) (This was how sky looked as we drove). I was so excited to go see my friend that was from a different state. When we got to the motel the place was nice but like I said our room wasn’t ready. I felt really upset because they said that we had to wait until 2pm for our room that we paid for !! The guy at the front desk was rude told us that “ we aren’t taking new customers”. When we got to our rooms it was around 10am. We chilled a bit in our separate rooms.

Then put friend said that she’ll meet us as the motel. So she did I was so excited to see her and her ( she also brought a friend) with her. We first erm to a place called jumba juice.

(This was my best friend neiya that came with me to meet my online friend. @ jumba juice)

(The person that I met in person)

There was another person that i was supposed to met hes a friend online aswell but more than that 😍

This lovely aquarius male right here i was supposed to meet but he was helping his mother with the baby ar rhe time but he said that hell meet us on rhe beach strip.

We did have some rude incounters when we were walking😞😒 I did get called the N word twice when i was walking down the stip by two different cars. It made me feel really bad because at i firsr i thought this trip was going to ahambles because the rude incountermenrt with room issue , then not beinf able to met the fine ass individual in the picture above me . Now someone calling me an nigg** on the street . I. Didn’t even make him mad he just was calling me that because I was crossing the street. Other than that rude incoutnterment we went to the tattoo shop because my on my friend was getting a tattoo with her best friend.I didn’t decide to get one because I was out of state so I felt like I was going to get scammed by the tattoo prices in which she did. But here are their tattoosu

(her best friend )

(My online friend)

If you guys want me to continue the story please don’t Forget to comment and like this post so I could put a part two and three for my trip to see my online friends.