Sex with my BF isn’t good anymore


I’ve dated my BF for over a year now and we recently reunited after being long distance for a couple months, ever since we got back sex just hasn’t been as good, we usually stick to the same stuff every time and up until recently it was really good. I’ve thought about trying new things but he doesn’t feel comfortable with it and i don’t want to pressure him into doing something he’s not comfortable with. i don’t know what to do or what to tell him, i’ve been faking recently to spare his feelings and i haven’t done that since the beginning of our relationship when we were still figuring stuff out in our sex life. additionally, anytime we start having sex and i decide i want to stop for any reason (most the time it’s pain) i get an overwhelming feeling of guilt, he’s assured me that it’s okay and he’d rather i’d tell him to stop than to do something i don’t want to but i still feel like it’s my responsibility to help him finish.