Gutted first pgs normal blast has failed - devastated


If this has happened to anybody please can you let me know what you did differently the second time around or what worked.

The lines on the test are getting fainter (I had a hcg shot on the day of the transfer) so we suspect it is that that is reducing

I am so scared and worried and back into panic mode. We have 3 more pgs normal and I want to make sure we go all out for this next one.

This time around my doctor did the endo scratch, embryo glue, lovenox, and then clexane too and I have a lining of 10.2mm plus the progesterone and oestrogen.

The blast was expanding but it wasn’t hatching. Should I ask for assisted hatching?

Do you recommend anything else? We don’t have trouble making embryos as I managed to get 4 genetically normal in one round, but I fear there could be something inside my that is preventing it.

Anybody at all with anything please do share as I am at a loss