
Hi everyone, so I found out last week that I am positive for covid. Luckily my quarantine is up on Friday and I am feeling much much better than I did Tuesday-Thursday.

Onto the real issue though.

Since I got covid, I’ve been discharging like crazy. I’m talking, watery drippy discharge that has made me panic thinking I’ve started my period.

At first I was worried bc I thought it may have been from the antibiotics giving me a yeast infection, but I don’t have one. No itching, burning, etc.

Today I sat down to pee and I pushed out a huge clump of jelly like discharge. It was clear in color, so I’m not concerned about any white or cottage cream looking stuff.

I did check today’s log and I am in my fertile window, so I assume it has to do with that? But I’ve never in my life passed so much discharge.

My only other thought is covid has my body acting funky?