Long cycle, cyclogest


Hi girls 🥰

Wanted to ask if someone else here have long cycles with relatively short lutheal phase!

About my cycle- total ~43 days(this cycle longer)

, OV around day 30, 8dpo BBT nornally fallls and Im getting some spotting and around 11DPO in the evening my period is here.

I have noticed this pattern over last few cycles so I consulted my OB/GYN and got prescribed Cyclogest (progestorone) to help extend this phase! Doctor wants me to use it till 18DPO to ensure that implantation really happen and also tests would show (last year had 2 early MA and 4ya lost baby at 19w). I am now concerned that my cycles will go even longer and at the same time doctor wants me to have it shorter 🙄

Since its all new, I wanted to ask:

- Was your cycle changing after using the cyclogest? Is it possible that Folicular phase will shorten now?

- if you measure bbt and use PG is your bbt also higher? Does it also drop even though you are using pg?

Thank you all!