Long winded 💨

Does anyone else have a spouse or a friend/family member that is incredibly long winded? Meaning, they start telling a story or start talking about something, and they will legitimately sit there and talk for 15+ minutes and not let you get a word in?

My husband will talk. And talk. And talk. And talk. And I’m quiet the entire time, and listen attentively. But he is SO long winded that I find myself trailing off most of the time, getting distracted by the kids, or the kids start asking me a question or needing something from me like water or the potty, and my husband gets so upset from this. He will say “why do I even bother talking” or “well never mind then...” as if I’m purposely ignoring him or the kids are purposely interrupting him to be rude. I’m not ignoring you man, no one is doing anything to you purposely, you’ve just been on the same story for the past 20 minutes and won’t wrap it up.

I try so hard to just listen but it’s like my mind starts drifting after ten minutes of the same damn story. It takes him forever to get to the point of anything. 😂

Does anyone else know someone who does this? How do you politely tell someone to hurry up? Lol