33weeks 1day di/di twins

Annelise • Mom of 5

My twin boys were born yesterday at 33+1

Spontaneous labor and delivery. Total active labor was under an hour. Got to the hospital around 7:40-7:50pm at 6cm. Delivered vaginally unmedicated at 8:37pm with baby A and 8:46pm with baby b. They are currently in the nicu but doing very well. Baby B had a c pap after birth and just got it taken out tonight. Baby A had a c pap put in early this morning but got it removed tonight as well. We are told to expect to be here until their due date of November 4th. Really hoping they get to come home sooner.

Baby A: Arlo Ryatt weighed 4lb 12oz

Baby B: Archie Ryland weighed 4lb 7oz

This was 2 hours after delivery

The boys this morning.

Archie tonight

Arlo tonight

Baby snuggles