Is this something to worry about in a relationship?


So a bit of a backstory. I have a pituitary tumour that causes hormonal imbalances and horrid migraines. The imbalances also make my periods horrifically painful. I try to avoid Panadol painkillers unless I really need it.

So I’m having a migraine episode for the past 72 hours now and I finally decided I needed some Panadol, so I’ve asked my partner for some and he made a big deal of me always eating drugs and gave me one (serve for a 12 year old or under 50kg) I’m a 23 year old 5ft9 230lbs and refused me anymore because I ‘don’t really need it’ and am ‘addicted to painkillers’. This has been an issue the entire 3 year relationship, he keeps track of the painkillers and whether I’ve had any and makes a big deal if I’ve had any. I maybe have them 2 or 3 times a month due to period pain or migraines. He sees this as a lot. I’ve tried to explain that I try to not regularly have painkillers but sometimes really need them to function in my full time nursing career, and that over the counter Panadol is not addictive at all. He also makes a slight deal out of me taking antidepressants each day asking when I would be able to stop taking them.

I tried to have a conversation about this with him and not liking him accusing me of having an addiction and shaming me for taking painkillers when I need them. He said I needed to drop it and stop making a big deal out of it.

What do I do? I don’t want to leave him because we’re mostly happy besides this